REST (Representational State Transfer)

REST constraints

  1. Client/Server
  2. Stateless
  3. Cache
  4. Uniform Interface
  5. Layered System
  6. Code on Demand (optional)


  1. When caching is utilized and resource is requested from a server,

Best Practices


  1. We only need 2 base URLs per resource

  2. 4 operations (CRUD)

  3. Avoid verbs to name your resources. Use plural nouns.

  4. Use verbs only if the functionality provided by the call is an operation and not a resource, such as:

  5. Be consistent

  6. Use concrete resource names instead of abstract ones. e.g., /cars, /cats

Response format

  1. Use the Accept header
  2. Use JSON as default response format

Few examples how respose format:

  1. Google: ?alt=json
  2. foursqare: \venue.json
  3. digg: Accept: application/json or ?type=json


  1. Use ?offset=10&limit=50
  2. Assume default if no parameters are provided. e.g., limit=10&offset=0

Few examples of pagination:

  1. Facebook: ?offset=10&limit=50
  2. Twitter(x): ?offset=10&limit=50
  3. Linkedin: ?start=10&count=50

Attribute names

  1. Use lowerCamalCase for readability

Errors, HTTP status codes

  1. Avoid having more than 8 error codes
  2. Use the same error codes accross all different API’s

Error Responses

  1. Incorporating hints about how to fix errors and a link to get more infomation.
      "code": 23213,
      "message": "MESSAGE",
      "info": "https://SOME_DOMAIN/docs/error/CODE"

Examples by different orgs:

  1. Facebook

      "type": "OAuthExeption",
      "message": "----"
  2. Twillo

      "status": 401,
      "message" "",
      "code": 20003,
      "more_info": ""


Assosiations used to represent relationships between entities

  1. Create for assosiations resource
    POST `/owners/1234/cars`
    GET `/owners/1234/cars/1244`

Complex variations

  1. Sweep variations behind the ? in the query string GET /cars?color=red&location=newyork


  1. Recommed way /v1/cars
  2. Maintain at least one version back.
  3. Give developers atleast one cycle to react before obsoleting a version.

Examples by different orgs:

  1. Twillow: /2010-04-01/Accounts
  2. Salesforce: /services/data/v20.0/subjects/account
  3. Facebook: /?v=1.0
  4. Linkedin: /v1
  5. Foursquare: /v2
  6. Etsy: /v1

Partial responses

  1. /cars?fields=name,color,regitryLocation.postalCode

Examples by different orgs:

  1. Linkedin: /people:(id,first-name,last-name,industry)
  2. facebook: /joe.smith/friends?fields=id,name,picture
  3. Google: ?fields=title,media:group(media:thumbnail)
  1. Global: /search?q=short+hair
  2. Scoped-1 Object: /cars?q=red+color
  3. Scoped-Multiple Objects: /search?q=red-color&scope=cars,owners

Domain names

  1. API gateway :
  2. Developers Portal:
  3. Configure web redirects:

Examples by different orgs:

  1. Foursquare
  2. Twitter (X)
  3. Facebook


  1. OAuth 2.0

Examples by different orgs:

  1. Facebook: OAuth 2.0
  2. Twitter (X): OAuth 1.0a
  3. Paypal: OAuth 2.0
  4. Google: OAuth 2.0


  1. RESTful API Design Best Practices You Need To Know - YouTube